
The town where the clocks tell the wrong time
Where you cannot fall off the bridge
where you dream, it happens
where you live, no one listens

Shadows of your own
wants and needs follow you
The old lady whispers:
You look like a writer

The bottle of whiskey spills
words that you erase
and lines that you cross
and bring back

People comeback to life
with another stroke
the fog tells the truth
the people who pretend
to let you in are changed
into frogs

The black lady bug wakes up
with red dots no longer missing
with a story to tell how it is
to be different.

author: greenlifenow


With joyful steps I ran at dawn
at the meadow with blooming colors
I passed the tall grasses
I chased rainbow butterflies.

Flowing water called me with a whisper
Brook told me a story
He is my faithful friend
I am his silver droplet.

Invited to dance with the swirls
Swayed in the strong arms
I was agile as water, fleeting as the wind
Dressed in a gown made of waves

Walking into the clear water
Dreaming of a beautiful love
when a voice called out from a distance:
she doesn’t know how to swim – dream faded …

author: avemi