My new book arrived

My book arrived yesterday. Still warm and smelling like the new book should. Fresh ink and paper.

I can tell a lot went into writing and gathering the correct information because world needs to know.

So many missed things, lack of accountability led to so many failures. BSO couldn’t communicate because they were using wrong channels on their radios. This is so ridiculous and unacceptable especially when people were dying! We lost precious children and teachers. Florida needs to wake up!

Public only sees small piece of what went on. Public only reads certain articles and not all. Public moves on. I move on but keep going back very often. Everywhere my daughter goes she meets kids who were in 1200 building or people who knew somebody. She comes back with a lot of stories.

That’s why the newly published book Why Meadow died by Meadow’s dad Andrew Pollack and Max Eden is so important to read so your children and grandchildren can simply have safe schools. We need safe schools. We need better programs for troubled kids. We need responsible adults monitoring school grounds. The author and the activist wants you to know. He wants to #fixit. You need this book on your bookshelf.

To this day I keep finding articles about the massacre. Articles that I have never seen before that were written in 2018. I thought that I fished out every piece of information that existed on weekly basis but there are more and they are good, very good. For example googling “was the door to 1200 building open”? brought surprising results. Things like that there was another officer assigned to school who was by the school but didn’t do anything… didn’t run … didn’t radio anybody … I have no words!

“Why Meadow died” is available on Amazon

click on the link below and support #meadowmovement #fixit

book why

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